hukumjanab is a company where you can find the solution of your household chores. As a responsible company we noticed that people mostly men have all those responsibilities to maintain their house and households from their work place but it is really impossible to handle all those chaos in this busy life while performing their professional activities and yes, they are also worried about security issues in their absence. Even though you are a household lady and alone at home also worried about security issues. If you are a working lady and don’t have time to attend these jobs. If you are a gentleman and kids and women feel insecure in your absence. You are worried about your absence at home; you cannot avoid your professional business. So hukumjanab is the only company which is responsible throughout working process to security of your respected family.

hukumjanab is a company which provides you a complete solution to your plumbing and sewage equipments with 100% satisfaction and security. Our responsible and expert recognitions are able to reach you at your door step within 45 minutes with all necessary tools after receiving your complaint.

All you need to download our app hukumjanab to connect one of our highly skilled and responsible plumbers that means you don’t have to worry about the quality neither any of security issues. hukumjanab is an application where you can perform all household plumbing repairing, replacement and installation with and without accessories as per your requirement at very reasonable charges. hukumjanab is an application where you will find a uniformed plumber, verified from Nadra. hukumjanab is responsible for its plumbers.

How Hukum Janab works?

Under hukumjanab you will find the following solutions just making a call.

  • Clogged sinks, basins and toilets
  • Faucet installation and replacement
  • Pipes leakages
  • Kitchen drain cleaning
  • Appliance installation and replacement
  • Commode and flush installation
  • Water suction motor replacement and installation
  • Sewage drain repairing
  • Gas geyser repairing, installation and replacement
  • Electric geyser installation and replacement
  • Water tank fitting

At the time of downloading hukumjanab app you will receive 30% discount on all services. For a very limited time inspection charges are waived off. So hurry up and avail this opportunity and download hukumjanab in your first priority.

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